Servicii complete de traducere şi web design

Cu Ce Vă Putem Ajuta

Afacerea dumneavoastră are nevoie de o pagină de internet tradusă de la început în cel puţin două sau trei limbi? Atunci aţi venit în locul potrivit pentru a beneficia de serviciile noastre profesionale de web design şi traduceri. Epic Works vă oferă o gamă largă de servicii lingvistice şi de webdesign pentru a vă satisface nevoile de comunicare globală. Simplu, rapid, eficient, fără bătăi de cap.

Echipa noastră solidă de web design se ocupă de tot ce ţine de acest capitol, inclusiv: desenare, codare, hosting, SEO, etc., în timp ce echipa de traducători experimentaţi localizează textul dorit în limba solicitată.


Traducătorii noştri dispun de o experienţă de mai mulţi ani în toate domeniile care v-ar putea interesa: juridic, tehnic, turism, software, hardware, etc.


Web design +

Serviciul Web design+ este un serviciu integrat, dedicat persoanelor care sunt în căutarea unei firme cu servicii complete pentru mediul online.


For more than 2 years now, Lorant/Epic Works has been a reliable partner for us, delivering high quality translations in various fields on time and always following our guidelines. A professional for professionals.

Arina Dorin

General Manager – Romania | SDL | Language Solutions Division


Arina Dorin

General Manager – Romania | SDL | Language Solutions Division

For more than 2 years now, Lorant/Epic Works has been a reliable partner for us, delivering high quality translations in various fields on time and always following our guidelines. A professional for professionals.

At all times I have found Lorant to be a dependable and reliable supplier. He has proven to be as helpful as possible with all the projects they have handled on behalf of DCT B.V. I would recommend working together with Lorant/Epic Works to anyone who is searching for a professional translator.

Terhi Mallat

Project Manager, Data Concept Technology B.V.


Terhi Mallat

Project Manager, Data Concept Technology B.V.

At all times I have found Lorant to be a dependable and reliable supplier. He has proven to be as helpful as possible with all the projects they have handled on behalf of DCT B.V. I would recommend working together with Lorant/Epic Works to anyone who is searching for a professional translator.